Service Root: Tissue Retrieval by PSL
'Offered by Core' Key
BWH DF/HCC Pathology Core
HMS Mouse Engineering
Pathology Specimen Locator [DF/HCC]
Rodent Histopathology [DF/HCC]
Specialized Histopathology Services - Longwood
Specialized Histopathology Services - Longwood (CLIA)
Specialized Histopathology Services - Longwood [DF/HCC]
Specialized Histopathology Services - MGH
Specialized Histopathology Services - MGH [DF/HCC]
Tissue Microarray & Imaging
Tissue Microarray & Imaging [DF/HCC]
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PSL Core- BWH Patient Tissue
FY18 Block Retrieval
FY18 Original H&E Slide Retrieval
Rush Retrieval Service [MGH Tissue Bank]
Rush Unstained Slide [MGH Tissue Bank]
Rush H&E Slide [MGH Tissue Bank]
Case Retrieval (No Pathologist Review)
Case Review and Annotation
FY19 Block Retrieval- BWH
FY19 Original H&E Slide Retrieval- BWH
PSL Core- Miscellaneous PSL Services
FY18 Data Search and Review
FY18 Slide Screening by Pathologist
Retrievex Delivery Fee [MGH Tissue Bank]
Off-Site Storage Pull Fee [MGH Tissue Bank]
Off-Site Storage Re-Filing Fee [MGH Tissue Bank]
FY19 Block Storage & Management [120 Days]
FY19 Technical & Administrative Support
FY19 Block Selection by PSL Staff
FY19 Case or Specific Block Selection by Pathologist
PSL Core- BWH Faulkner Patient Tissue
FY19 Block Retrieval- BWH Faulkner
FY19 Original H&E Slide Retrieval- BWH Faulkner
PSL Core- MGH Patient Tissue
FY19 Unstained Slide- MGH
FY19 H&E Stained Slide- MGH
FY19 Paraffin Scrolls- MGH
FY19 Order Processing Fee- MGH
FY19 Block Retrieval- MGH
FY19 Original H&E Slide Retrieval- MGH